Anna Koshmal

Anna Koshmal was born in Kyiv Ukraine on 22 October 1994. Anna Koshmal is now 27 years old. young. Unfortunately, no information can be accessed online on her siblings or parents. Anna has also been of Ukrainian origin. She is Christian. Anna's net worth is $2 million. Her income comes through various film and television projects. Anna has also said that modeling for magazines can be a side hustle for her. Anna Koshmal, since her sixth birthday, has always dreamed of becoming an artist. Although she had no idea what she would do throughout her career Anna Koshmal was determined. In her early years, she attended many art classes. Anna has also taken dancing and vocal lessons. Anna is also a skilled painter. Komal has discussed their ability to paint in a variety of interviews. In two months' time she was compelled to study drama at Republic Kids by her parents. The actress was successful in completing the theater drama course she studied to become more knowledgeable about theatre and acting. After that, she attended at the Faculty of Music and Management to take pop singing lessons under the supervision of L. I. Utyosov. In the end, a movie cast team selected her to appear in their production after she graduated. See how the story unfolded in the video below. Anna Koshmal, then 17 years old was approached at the age of 17 by Kvartal 95 Studio. As a student of Republic Kids she was approached. An agent from the studio considered her to be a skilled actor. When the agents came to her, she didn't have a idea of the they were looking for in her. She did nothing but sing songs she had learned and do a little acting before the agents. Her agency approved her almost quickly. In the television series Match Makers she made her debut as an actress.

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